Post Aurgasmic Chill

Vogliamo ringraziare di cuore Paul Irish per il suo post su Aurgasm. Dopo la sua pubblicazione abbiamo ricevuto molte emails da ascoltatori entusiasti.
Data la felicità, ne pubblichiamo qualcuna:
Hello there! wanted to write the both of you to say how much i am addicted to
your album provided on the site (and kudos for the CC/open source aspect).
I am a little writer/nomad living in france and have featured this on my music
blog. hope you get more exposure, even if small, from this community because i
am really impressed with your sound. thanks for your time.
Didn't realize I could get the album for free on your website until after I d/led it from Soulseek. I heard one of your songs on Sistum Systrum streaming radio and it blew me away...
I've downloaded your CD. As soon as I'm on my feet financially, I shall pay for a hard copy. For now, I thank you, and it sounds wonderful.
Hello there!
I downloaded your album, following a link from I haven't been able to stop listening to it since, it is absolutely gorgeous! Keep up the amazing work.
But the very best one is this brief mail exchange we had with Paul :
I am downloading your album. I listened to a track on it is very good.
How do you know people are tasty? I hope you dont really eat people because that would make me sad :( and then I dont think I would listen to your music anymore. Anyway, thanks for the tunes.
Well... actually this is gonna cost me a listener but i have to admit that sometimes we do... well, just when we're not eating plastic anyway.
Human meat and plastic is like milk and orange juice, gotta choose one of the two. :-)
hmmm... well im gonna give the whole albun a listen anyway but you should be warned that eating people may lead to CJD and plastic usually has little or no nutritional value.
(the pic is by Tom, who downloaded the album as well)
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